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Form, Space, and Order has educated me about process, quality, organization, and relationships. Process is very important to any design and throughout my career I will continually have to show how I arrived at a certain design. Designs are always evolving and never complete. The quality and craftsmanship should always be museum quality. I learned to always be precise and take time to make things "perfect in every way." Learning and understanding the organization and relationships of elements in design makes me be aware of these in existing architecture and interiors as well as with my own projects.

The class has taught me insight that will continue through my other classes as I develop spaces and details. When space planning projects, I will understand relationships from one space to another whether interior or exterior. As for the museum quality and process, I will use that in design and for everyday life. Everything I do should show process and be the very best of my abilities.

I believe that our professor pushed us to learn from abstract ideas and make something concrete. He pushed our design to help us learn that your designs are always evolving and to never stop thinking about more. He helped us understand the process of quick study models, then larger models, then the final model. The idea book allowed us to jot notes and helped us to leanr the importance of always documenting. This class was very educational in setting the foundation for future classes.


Image Citation

Kube, D. (n.d.). Kube. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from


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