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CHAPTER 3 | Form & Space

Form & Space: The Unity of Opposites

We understand form and space by unifying the opposites of positive and negative elements that define the structure of ones visual field. Figures represent the positive element and the background represents the negative element. We understand and perceive visual interaction by interpreting the positive and negative interaction.

A real life example of form and space by unity of opposites is the Waterdown Library and Civic Centre by RDHA in Hamilton, Ontario. The floor plan portrays the formation of walls along the space which introduces a positive element. Within the exterior walls, the creation of more interior spaces within the floor plan is portrayed by using negative lines or walls to create the interior a positive element.

Defining Space with Horizontal Elements

There are four elements including the base plane, the elevated plane, the depressed plane, and the overhead plane. The elevated base plane establishes vertical surfaces by elevating a horizontal plane above the ground which enhance the separation between the field and surrounding ground. There are three levels of elevated base planes: 1) visual and spatial continuity is maintained 2) visual continuity is maintained but spatial continuity is interrupted 3) visual and spatial continuity is interrupted.

The building below portrays Bean Buro's flexible coworking space in Hong Konga which elevates a horizontal plane from to base plane to gain seating area and conference rooms. To create specific domains within a larger space the designer elevated the base plane. The edges of the fields are well defined with steps and does not interrupt any spatial continuity.

Defining Space with Vertical Elements

There are six elements including vertical linear elements, single vertical plane, l-shaped plane, parallel planes, u-shaped plane, and four planes (closure). The u-shaped vertical planes defines a volume of space with three planes that are concentrated towards the opening.

For our project six, we constructed a traveling art gallery pod. The pod's exterior consists of a vertical u-shaped plane. The planes demonstrate a clear inward focus and outward orientation. The open end leads you to the art viewing portal.

Quality of Architectural Space

The enclosure of space is defined by form, proportion, scale, texture, light, and sound. Natural light enhances forms and spaces by illuminating them especially textures and colors.

In project 5, we learned about aperture and constructed a wall that allowed visual illumination of spaces. The small opening on the left only allows a highlight of light from a recessed plane. The triangle planes control the light from the slits to go upward. The slits on the right are organic and will highlight primarily the right wall.

Openings in Space-Defining Elements

The three styles of openings to define spatial elements are within planes, at corners, and between planes. Adjacent spaces are imperative when designing spaces so doors create movement and pattern while windows create light. Between planes has two options of defining spatial elements by vertical planes between floor and ceiling or two planes horizontal.

In Cincinnati, Gensler reinvents an old parking lot into a mixed-use developments. The horizontal overhead plane uses skylights between planes to define spacial elements.


Photo Citation

Waterdown Library and Civic Centre by RDHA. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2017, from

Dorris, J. (2017, April 10). Bean Buro Unveils Flexible Coworking Space in Hong Kong. Retrieved May 30, 2017, from

Mannion, A. (2016, November 29). Gensler Turns Old Parking Lot Into a Mixed-Use Development in Cincinnati. Retrieved May 30, 2017, from


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