Linear Organization
A succession of spaces repeating in linear order.
A real life example of linear organization is the Audain Art Museum designed by Patkau Architects in Whistler, British Columbia. The space shows the linear structure formulated by elongated halls of glass for pictorial views. The single linear space consists of spaces repeating that create the linear organization.
In the floorplan, the smaller rectilinear spaces contained by the exterior creates a linear organization. The linear organization allows the viewers pictorial views of the landscape while working the architecture within nature.
Understanding this relationship in depth, I diagrammed the floorplan into a 3D model. The viewer can relate the smaller partitions of rectilinear shapes together contain a linear form.
Centralized Organization
Surrounding spaces centralize the primary dominant space.
The Simone Veil School Complex in Colombes, France by architects Dominique Coulon & Associes is an example of a centralized organization from exterior to interior. The large centralized basketball court is surrounded rectilinear shapes to define the central, dominant space. The secondary spaces act as the entrance of to the central specified site.
The floorplan shows the centralized space surrounded by the rectilinear secondary spaces. The secondary spaces are not equivalent in size or form but the central space is larger than the secondary spaces. The secondary is formed with regular and irregular shapes.
The 3D model that I constructed of the centralized organization allows the viewer to follow the central space with the surrounding secondary spaces.
Clustered Organization
The arrangement of spaces by proximity or closeness that all resemble a common shape or characteristic.
Steven Holl Architects portray a multiple rectilinear design for the Visual Arts Building at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. This type of organization needs the proximity of spaces relating to another. This particular spaces consists of a repetitive rectilinear shapes that all have similar functions and similar visual traits.
The floorplan allows you to see the multiple rectilinear shapes that make up the clustered organization.
The spatial organizations of clustered spaces is portrayed in the 3D model by showing the multiple rectilinear shapes combined together to create spaces relating to one another by proximity.
Spatial Organizations in Art
Linear Organization
"One is left with the question of whether it deals with form or content"
-Jan Van Der Ploeg
Clustered Organization
"They are critical tools addressing questions of how we look and perceive, and the way space can be used, appropriated, and revealed in its social and physical nature."
-Daniel Buren
Centralized Organization
"The work questions how we interpret them using a range of incongruous visual clues, obscure constellations of objects and spaces, with symbolically rich contexts."
-Petros Chrisostomou
Photo Citation
Hammer Projects: Jan van der Ploeg - Hammer Museum. (2016, September 01). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from
Daniel Buren | Artists. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from
Selected Works. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from
Ching, F. D. (2014). Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Visual Arts Building at the University of Iowa by Steven Holl Architects. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from
Audain Art Museum by Patkau Architects. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from
Simone Veil School Complex by Dominique Coulon & Associés. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2017, from